Building Authority

How to let people know that you're a professional and can get the job done

Building Authority Thumbnail

Are you an expert? How do we know?

You probably haven't thought it about it in those words because we don't do we? But you wouldn't be in business if you were "just OK" at something, so I am going to make an assumption that you are an expert in your industry.

This is a conversation I have been having a lot lately with service-based business owners. They are experts at what they do, but their website isn't telling that story in a way that converts site visitors into becoming clients.

The number one job of a website is to get a conversation. HOW you get that conversation is what we are talking about here.

For someone to reach out and make a call or a booking with you, they need to feel

  • You understand their problem
  • You know what you're talking about
  • You might just be the person to help them
  • They can trust you

This is about positioning you as the expert and building your authority. It's actually way easier than it sounds because you already did all the hard work!

We just need to communicate it simply and clearly through your website.

And HERE is how you can do that

Reviews and testimonials

  • Social proof is everything. If others think you’re awesome, potential clients are more likely to think so too.
  • Add a few reviews on every page, and consider a live feed on your homepage for that extra trust factor.
  • Be specific—reviews related to each service work best!

Case studies

Show the world what you’ve done for clients like them.


  • The problem they had
  • Your solution
  • The outcome
  • Images
  • A glowing review from the client

Qualifications and accreditations

You've done the hard yards, put these on your about page.

Logos of known companies you have worked with

People love familiarity—if they recognize a brand you’ve partnered with, your credibility instantly jumps.

Blogs/articles/ resources

A very clear way to show you know what you are talking about, without it cluttering up your on page content. Use blogs to showcase your knowledge in a focused, digestible way.

On-page content

Keep it client-focused. Talk about their needs, their outcomes—not just what you do. You want them to feel like you “get” them.


Take this list and see how your website stacks up. Where can you make tweaks to better position yourself as the expert?

Iona Elwood-Smith

Iona is the founder of Grow My Business. She brings a strategic view to web design ensuring all websites are customer...

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