Case Study - When tradies say "I don't need a website"

A 2 week old website with a 100% conversion rate because it's the RIGHT traffic

Tradie Website Thumbnail

Sydney Wainwright is a member of my BNI, a super nice chap who works hard and has grown an awesome business in JSW Contracting. They specialise in difficult access excavations, retaining walls, slope stabilisation and general earthworks. Leveraging a lot of contacts and referrals, Sydney was pretty happy, trucking along without a website. He frankly didn't see the need for one, it wasn't on his must-do list. We get this a lot.

Then the recession hit, things got a bit slower, some projects got pushed out and there were spaces in the calendar that they hadn't needed to worry about before. After hearing me bang on about websites every week and a bit of a nudge for others, Sydney took the plunge.  "Iona, I'm ready to talk about a website" - "Hurrah, and it took you long enough" said my inside voice! �

We worked with the team to map out their services, and pull out of them the content we needed for the website, being mindful of writing for people AND for search engines.

Going all in, Syd invested in some great photography with Brayden from MediaSol which we used when we built them an awesome website they can be proud of.

The focus of the new website was

  • Get found online
  • Attract and convert new customers
  • Building trust and authority
  • Showcase their experience and expertise

How did we achieve this?

  1. Separated core services on to their own landing pages that were fully SEO optimised for keywords and location. They are page one for most of their keywords and #1 for many too - get found online
  2. Showing real photos of their work, not stock images - build trust
  3. Featured their core values on the home page - build trust
  4. Added a project page that showcases actual projects and outcomes - build authority
  5. Talk about how they manage projects with safety, a client centric approach, sustainability and and innovative solutions at the heart of all they do - showcase their experience and expertise

As a niche local business, JSW don't need huge amounts of website traffic, they want people with the problem they provide the solution to.

And that's what they got. Within 2 weeks they had their first new client through the website and have had weekly inquires ever since. That's not a thunderous amount of inquiry by any means BUT they are converting 100% because it's the RIGHT traffic. It's never about how much traffic you get it's about how much $$$ the website puts in your pocket.

JSW Contracting

Iona Elwood-Smith

Iona is the founder of Grow My Business. She brings a strategic view to web design ensuring all websites are customer...

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